Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who took these pictures??

Every time I upload photos from my camera to my computer, I am surprised by some of the pictures!  Since we have a digital camera and taking pictures costs virtually nothing, we don't forbid the next door set of grands from taking pictures.  I think if they show an interest in picture composition, color, subject, whatever, they're learning something.  And they don't print a copy of just anything, because that's the part that costs money.
This winter, E took lots of pictures of the snow in the back yard that stayed just long enough after the warm spell to build a snowman.  She's taken pictures of lovely things like leaves and flowers in the yard. 

 And some decidedly goofy things, like the dog wearing glasses.  How did she get him to sit still for that?  Well, he IS a pretty laid-back dog!

There's A's favorite subject... her feet.  On the downstairs carpeting.

On the upstairs carpeting.   

                                                     Bare toes.

                                                       and with shoes on.

Just how far down the steps do things go when you kick them off the landing???

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