What does Grace mean in the Bible?
The word grace in the Bible, refers to the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God. John 1:14 tells us that God left His heavenly throne, became flesh and came to live with us here on earth. He was full of grace and truth. The Bible says that we receive blessings from the fullness of His grace. John 1:16.
Grace is something we receive even though we definitely do not deserve it.
If you were ever a scout you received merit badges for things you did. You didn't receive a badge until you had completed all of the tasks required.
I was a Girl Scout in my youth. Our troop was made up of girls in my class at school. We loved earning badges! How proud we would all be every time we earned a badge and our mom sewed it onto our vest or sash. I did the same for my grands when they were scouts.
On this Palm Sunday we're reminded that we have abundant grace from God. He gave his only son to pay the price for sin in the world, not just for the people who had lived until that point, but for every single person in the world, ever. Paid once for all.
Noting I do can ever make me deserve it, and yet, here it is, freely given, with much love.
I wish we could all be in church today, but we are doing social distancing, and many of us are attending church on line or on TV. My church has services on YouTube. It's not the same, although the message certainly is.
If you're not a regular church attendee, maybe this is the time of year when you DO seek out a service, and attend this week or next week for Easter. There are lots of options that you can view on line. Find something this week that gives you some peace in this crazy time.
God's not practicing social distancing, He is here where you are, giving you love and forgiveness and protection. Accept the love, and give thanks always!
Pass it on.