Monday, June 22, 2015


I have never been a fan of pink.

My mom loved pink... loved it to the point that one of the houses we lived in had a pink bathroom!  In a household of 10 where seven of them were male, and there was only ONE bathroom, this was a revolutionary choice.

She paired the pink walls, shower curtain and curtains with pink/brown/beige one inch tiles on the floor and chocolate brown rugs.  It was stunning.

My sister and I shared a room.  Mom wanted to paint it pink, and I wanted to paint it any color but pink.  We compromised with lavender, sister being too small to have an opinion at the time.  I picked out a white chenille bedspread with some pink flowers and all was happy for a time.

My apartment after high school graduation was whatever anyone gave me or I found at the Goodwill.  Who knew from decorating in the 70's?  Everything was psychedelic anyway.

My house is now decorated in neutrals and blues, except for the den which is sage green.  The carpeting is all medium warm beigey-brown.  It's all very restful.  I have splashes of red and green everywhere.  I like to change up the accent colors seasonally, but it needs to remain peaceful on the eyes or I get cranky. 

Why the color treatise?  Well, last week, I posted about a scrap project, and it was all PINK.  Mostly because Miss A and I were playing with the scraps.

I wanted to make a quilt I saw in either a Modern Quilting magazine or on a website devoted to modern quilting, I can't recall.  The quilt I saw was blue tiny blocks and a gray background.  Very muted, lots of negative space and quilted expertly in the gray.

Enter my very scrappy very bright pink patches, a first attempt at this pattern.  Only now that the panels are done, I needed to find something for the two strips on either side.

Sadly, my pink bin is very small and contains small pieces.  The smaller of the two panels measured 51 inches, so I need about a yard and three eighths.  No luck

Off we go to Joann's.  Miss E and I went on Sunday while the guys were watching a very long golf tournament and the smaller kids were in the pool with Auntie Heather.  I wanted a lighter pink, and Miss E agreed. After several auditions, we decided the solids were just not right.

We ended up with this

It will be seen as a solid from four feet away, or as my aunties always say "galloping by on a horse".  I will lay it out this week and see what it looks like in real life, and if necessary I can always go to the local quilt shop and look for a better solid color.  This will make a decent back if that happens.

You know it's funny, I don't have any pink clothing except for maybe some pajamas, but I do love pink yarn!


Sew on...

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