Monday, December 20, 2021

Things That Make Me Go Huh?!

My internet browser opens to the page where I access my email.  As browsers like to do, it offers me a slideshow of 'news stories' from various media accounts, like Yahoo, CNN, Business Insider, Women & Home, etc.  There are ads there for things I've looked at, like yarn and shoes.

Today I found this:

I gasped!!!  I drink diet soda, when I drink soda at all.  Since I've been diagnosed with diabetes I drink only water, unsweetened tea and diet beverages.  My favorite drink right now is a tall glass filled with ice and water up to about an inch from the rim, then topped off with diet (sugarless) cranberry juice.

Why are diet drinks disappearing from stores, you ask?


Yup.  Millennials evidently don't like the word 'diet'!  According to this article, the term diet is OUT OF FASHION with millennials and GenZ.  It has a negative connotation, and therefore the former diet sodas and other beverages are renamed Zero Sugar.


The beverages will still be there, just named something non-offensive to young people.  Political correctness has hit a new low.



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