Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!

That's a quote from a children's book, one that my kids loved to have read to them, called Where The Wild Things Are.  It's so much fun to read aloud to kids, everyone should have a copy!

So what's the rumpus these days?  Not a lot of rumpusing going on in my world right now.  We stay close to home and church, although we have taken a few side trips.  We have some friends, former neighbors, with whom we sometimes go out to breakfast.

It's funny, when I worked I used to think to myself 'well, at least I'm not one of those old fogies, going out to breakfast at 9 o'clock in the morning'!!  

Ha!  I am that now...  <sigh>  

This week and last our big adventure has been a trip to the lawyer's office to finalize a will and set up a trust.  We now have a granddaughter who's over 18, and that changed the dynamic a bit.  NOT that we have a bunch of money or lots of property, but if you want to avoid probate in Wisconsin, there are some easy ways to do it.  I'm watching a friend take her mom's estate through the process and it take for-ev-er!

We have two kids and four grands.  We wanted to just leave everything each to our spouse, but after we're both gone then divided equally between the two kids/families.  But only one can be the executor so we arm wrestled, each on behalf of one kid.  I won.  ha ha!  I'm afraid the other might not be amused but oh well.

Now the fun part starts... we have to rename all of our assets so that they reflect the fact that they're owned by our trust.  There are just a few things that deserve the name of 'asset'... but that means some paperwork, which DH has determined is my job.  Well, I guess most of the assets ARE mine, he's been retired so long there is no more IRA in his name.  😝

What else?  I've gotten back into counted cross stitch for some reason.  It's feeling kind of zen to do that.  And since it's not printed, if someone's not looking at the pattern, if I change something, well who knows but me?  My daughter did a cross stitch of a tea cup years ago as a gift to me, and it's hanging on my kitchen wall.  I love it and want to do a couple of complimentary small items to hang in the same area, so I'm working on Little House Needleworks patterns.  

These are the ones I got recenty in an acquisition frenzy:

They're very small, but then of course the size depends on the size of fabric on which you stitch.  It goes anywhere from 10 to up to 40 stitches per inch, so if you choose a smaller number, say 18 count, it's smaller than a 40 count.  I don't do much on 40 count, my eyes are not that great without strong reading glasses.  I like more like 24 to 28 count.  The pattern for the Post Office says to use 30 count linen which finishes approximately 5x3.5 inches.  

Yea, small.  But by the time it's framed it could be a nice wall decoration.

So the oldest grand, Miss E, is going off to college in a few weeks.  I remember when she was born, and it doesn't seem that long ago.  She of course is champing to leave.  I have to get knitting... I'm making the Harry Styles patchwork sweater per her request.  We thought it was crochet until we pulled down the free pattern.  It's knit, in chunky yarn in bright colors.

All I can say is:  Thank goodness she didn't ask for this one!!  But I think that is a commercially knit sweater, so maybe you can just buy it??

That is all the rumpus for this week.  Have a good one, stay safe, wear a mask!

Stitch on...

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