Monday, September 11, 2017

September, the Whole Month and the 11th

September is a month that has always been a big one for my family.  DH and I were married in September, and this year will celebrate our 46th anniversary.  If I did the math correctly...

Our son will celebrate his 45th birthday.  Which is odd considering I'm only 40 years old!  (I had to add a year since Miss A can add -- I used to claim 39 but she's on to me now.)  Happy birthday Kevin!

Two of my brothers have September birthdays.  Happy birthday on the 4th to Chet and on the 6th to Tom.

Middle school!!
The kids go back to school in earnest, and I love back to school shopping!  Especially the school supplies.  These days the schools have the kids preorder their supplies and they all come in a big package so you don't have to run all over town to get the right size box of crayons or a particular kind of notebook.  You may just need to go for a few special things.  I always buy myself a new box of crayons or colored pencils for the house, and for me! 

My mom showed us how to do these
crayon doodles (this one used markers)
and the grands and I do them now.
Labor Day is one of my favorite holidays - no big meal to prepare, a lot of lazing around the house or the park.  DD and her family go to a local fair, and I take extra vacation days to make it a long weekend.

I'm remembering where I was on Sept. 11, 2001.  I was in Indianapolis with a rental car and no hotel room when the news came that all the airports were closing down.  The people in our office there went a little off the rails and everyone left except me and two other people.  I will never forget that only Louis asked whether I had a place to stay, and invited me to dinner at his home.  Thank you so much Louis, your kindness meant a lot that day.

My company closes its fiscal year on the last Friday in September.  THAT I am not looking forward to... but there are three weeks to go so I guess it will be here before you know it.  I've been preaching for the past two and a half months:  get your invoices submitted, get the purchase orders done, get your expense sheets in.  Then suddenly this week someone said to me "holy cow, there are only three weeks left until the end of the year! Process this quick!!"

To quote a famous movie line, "No sh*t, Sherlock!"

On top of that, this year I have to take three days out of the center of that three weeks to attend a leadership meeting in Charlotte, NC.  That's good news and bad news.  Good news because we've never been invited to that before, us support staff, so we always felt left out and unimportant.  Bad news because we've never been invited before and we always had three days where we were not being interrupted by last minute requests and we could actually get work done!

On top of that is the annual Wastewater Conference that happens during the week of year end close this year.  UGH!

Hoping this is me next month:

Rock on...

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