Thursday, October 24, 2013


I don't know why but Blogger is not behaving normally today.  It would be doing that since I'm so busy I don't have time to think!

Do you love craft fairs?  I do and I don't. 

Let me explain.  Since I do lots of crafts such as sewing, beading, embroidery, knitting, and on and on, I go to craft fairs and I find a gazillion things I love and I think "I could make that".  Then I don't necessarily buy the thing, but I want one, so I try to remember what it was and I look for patterns.  I may or may not actually make one.  Who am I kidding, I usually don't!

Then I think "I should be in a craft fair sometime and sell the stuff I make".  Hmmm, but could I stand to make the same thing over and over so there's enough merchandise?  Probably not.

But last year, I actually made and sold some doll clothes for the 18" dolls to a couple of people and that was fun.  Granted, it was not a lot of people and it wasn't an organized thing, so it wasn't like work.

This year, I convinced myself that I could make enough stuff to take a table at our church's craft fair.  I think I've done it in a rather painless manner.  I've been knitting and sewing various items for several months, stashing them in a couple of boxes out of sight of little girls who might appropriate them for their own dolls.

The craft fair is a week from Saturday -- November 2.  I've partnered up with a friend from work, and we're going to share a table.  She's made some awesome jewelry including some very cool crocheted necklaces using ladder yarn.

I pulled my boxes out, and I am amazed at the number of items I have finished!  I guess I have to fool myself into thinking I'm just making a few things and it works.

Of course they're all one of a kind items, because as I've said before, if I had to make a dozen of the same thing I might abandon the project by items number four.

If you're in New Berlin, WI, next weekend, stop in at Peace Lutheran Church and check us out.  There's a Scholastic Book Fair going on at the same time,  There's lots to see at the craft fair, food is available and we'll be selling doll clothes and other hand made items at the table for Susan Sews.

Sew on!