Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The New Year and Resolutions?

Do you make New Years Resolutions?  I gave that up for Lent or something, a long time ago.  You resolve to eat healthier or do more exercise or whatever, and five minutes after you do, someone tempts you with a cookie or a snuggle on the couch.  Phewt!  Resolution broken!

On CBS Sunday Morning on January 1 they said most resolutions last until mid-February.  Such is human nature...

So far this year, I've spent a lot of time in my sewing room, moving things around mostly.  I did quilt some small things, and I blogged about those last week. 

This past Saturday we attempted to put together one of Miss A's Christmas gifts... it has a gazillion small pieces and none of our fingers were the right size to hold them.  She's helping Gramps hold the robot head steady while he works with the wrenches that came in the kit. 

And I'm making a friend some sofa pillow covers.  Two down, two to go.  I made the cording to go around the edges because I like that look, and because these two pillows were made with a soft fabric of either acetate blend or some type of rayon, which will hold up better with the seams corded.  The other two are upholstery fabric and should be sturdier.

I'm not resolving to do much of anything, but I am trying to finish some of the things I started.  So far I've only finished the three doll quilts, but I'm claiming one victory in 2017!

Wish me luck!

Sew on...

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