Saturday, October 3, 2020

Rain Again

It's raining again.  I was thinking that where the world is burning, like the West Coast, they'd probably like to have some of this rain.

I wish I could send it their way.

Miss Kitty and I are just looking out at the weather and thinking gray thoughts.  She IS gray, and I'm knitting on a gray sweater.  We need to have the indoor lights on so I can see what I'm doing.  I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today because it's in the mid-50s F for temperature.  

It's a good day to sit and knit.

I tossed the stash today looking for some more bulky yarn in a quantity large enough to knit another sweater.  If I do that and find more bulky weight yarn, I might be able to knit the grands some sweaters for Christmas.  That's always a risky proposition because you know how kids are about clothes.  You want to dress them one way and they want to run in the opposite direction!  But I have two approved sweater patterns from the middle girls, and I'm willing to go there.

The one I'm doing is almost done.  One sleeve is nearly finished, and that leaves one more sleeve and a button band to go.  On bulky yarn at three stitches per inch gauge, that could happen this weekend.

I did find a few more yarn choices in bulky.  One is dark chocolate brown, one is deep purple.  I also found another batch of the silver gray that I'm currently using.  I would NOT knit the same sweater in that yarn unless that got the thumbs up from the girls, so I'm looking for another pattern to use.

If I could spin this, I could have some fantastic yarn!

Miss Kitty said "That's not funny!"


Knit on...

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