Thursday, November 11, 2021

And Now For Something Completely Different!

The last Sunday in October is Reformation Sunday in the Lutheran Church along with many other  protestant religions.  It is traditionally the commemoration of the day Martin Luther put his 95 Theses on the doors of a Catholic church in Germany.  At the time the Catholic church was the only official religion of the Christian persuasion, but change was coming.  Google ML or reformation and you can read all about it.  

In my home church, Reformation Sunday is traditionally Confirmation for the high school freshman class.  My youngest grand was confirmed.  It was a beautiful service and she did a great job at her little speech and during the ceremony.  Gramps and I are so proud of her!

And boy what a difference a couple of years makes!  Here she is with her mom and her big sister when she took her first communion in fifth grade.

This is that same 'little girl' this year, now a freshman in high school!  Taller than her grandma, and I think taller than her sister and mother!

Love the fashion statement via the shoes!

Here she is with her big sister, a sophomore in college.  Studying human medicine with an interest is pathology!  

The Pastor has traditionally taken this pose with every class.  I guess his didn't turn out as well as this one, taken by Miss A, smiling face right up front!  I love this girl...  and who wouldn't???

Another milestone passed, another child of God added to the adult family of my church (actually 7 more 😊).

Keep believing!!