Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Day In The Life...

 What to do, what to do?  The whole day in front of me and nothing scheduled!!

Not today, that was yesterday, and that will be tomorrow.  And Saturday.

Today I got a haircut, and I have a meeting this evening at church.  The excitement of the day? I stopped at Starbucks on the way home from my hair appointment!

I need to make myself a work schedule.  I really do need to schedule some things.  One thing I need to find time for is some exercise... 

I'm afraid of gaining the "Covid 19".  You know, like the freshman 15 but more... like from sitting on the couch watching TV and eating snacks until midnight while watching YouTube videos about things.

Not good.

I should just make a schedule and publish it somewhere so someone holds me accountable.  


Tomorrow I need to go down to the sewing studio and put some time on sewing labels on a fireman's jackets.  There's no real deadline, but if I don't make one up, it won't happen until I feel some pressure.

And I need to figure out how to get three or four sweaters knit by Christmas. 

Whew!  That's some pressure!!

Cook on!