Friday, September 25, 2020

49 Years

 When I was younger there was a bad joke going around that went like this:  A guy says to his buddies "my wife and I have been married for three wonderful years".  And his buddy says "But I thought you got married in 1955!  Bada-bump!  I told you it was a bad joke...

The hubster and I have been married since 1971.  Yes, I WAS a child bride... hahaha!  I had just turned 20 that year, and I was working full time and I had my own apartment.  I had a junker car and a sewing machine, and what more could a girl ask for??  

My car needed brakes and I didn't make a lot of money so I had to try to find different ways to get to work.  The bus ride was an hour and a half long.  I ended up bumming rides from some co-workers, and that's how I ended up car-pooling with the guy whom I would eventually marry.  Long story short, I traded in the car for a husband!

It's been 49 pretty good years.  Some were better than others, but there were some very nice ones and a few that approached spectacular. 

Now we're both retired and settled into our routines.  He gets his lottery tickets every week and I always tell him to buy a winner this week.  He entertains himself while I go on my sewing jaunts, and I knit if he decides to watch a bad movie.  

We got this.

Anyway, that's our story and we're stickin' to it!

Mr Excitement!

Sew on...

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