Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Writing. Or Not.

Time was when I could write two or three postings in a day, and could not wait to publish them. 


These days I can hardly bring myself to write a grocery list.  I thought I was handling things pretty well.  You know, the whole reduce your life to the necessities, don't go anywhere unless you have to, keep your circle of contacts small thing necessary because of the pandemic.  I was pretty emotionally healthy before so I could handle things just fine, right?

Well, I DO live with an OCD, neatness-obsessed curmudgeon who doesn't talk a lot.  And lately neither one of us seems to be able to retain things for more than 20 seconds.  Two times in the last two weeks I've put down my travel mug and done a task, and then left the building I was in without the travel mug.  Neither time did I remember I'd had it with me until someone found it!

During the summer last year I temporarily quit my part time job, which lasted through Christmas (the quitting part, not the job).  I went back in January, enduring the wearing of a mask during my four hour shifts, checking people out from behind plexiglass, sanitizing everything anyone might have touched or even looked at.  It was hard, and I don't even work in an essential industry.

I gained weight.  My Dr visit brought the sad news that I really needed to start moving more...  As if!

I hate exercise.  Truly.  I don't mind walking from the back of the parking lot to the stores when I go shopping, but working out?  Sorry, no.

Maybe I should try harder.  But then it was too hot for such a long time this spring... yeah, that's why.

So, back to writing.  I love to read, and I used to love to write.  I guess I've touched the wall that makes all things during the times in which we live hard to deal with.  I still love reading.  But doing the actual activity of writing is very hard these days.

So, apologies to anyone who might be checking here to see what's happening.  I've been reading, sewing, cleaning closets and scrubbing things, checking on other people's blogs, watching a lot of YouTube videos... even doing a little cooking and baking.

But writing??  Not so much.  Don't worry, I'm sure things will improve, eventually.

Right now, I need to go clean the bathrooms and brush the cat.

Rock on...

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