Wednesday, January 6, 2021

If You Can't Say Anything Nice...

My mom used to say "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".  

I wish some public figures would learn that!  I know that's an impossibility, but a girl can dream, can't she?  LOL!

I think MOST of the people on TV these days hold more with 'if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me".

Now that 2020 is over and people are looking toward making New Year's Resolutions, I've been thinking about the effect 2020 had, and what we can look forward to in 2021.  Did you know most resolutions are forgotten by February?

Right now, just more of the same old - same old stuff.  As the engineers I worked with used to say, Same S**T, Different Day.  Truth.  It's going to take a while before things go back to anywhere near what used to be normal.


I hope not!  I hope we learned some things, and make some permanent changes.  Make America great again??  Ha ha!  I hope we can make America SMARTER.  Make America be nice again, read again, be sensible again.  If only!

Wishful thinking again?

If you're one of those who makes resolutions or chooses a word for the year, here are a few random thoughts of mine.  Remember, these and $5 will get you a coffee at Starbucks...

The word I'm sick to death of is unprecendented.  

[ˌənˈpresədən(t)əd]  ADJECTIVE

  1. never done or known before.
    "the government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence"
    unparalleled · unequaled · unmatched · unrivaled · without parallel · without equal · extraordinary · uncommon · out of the ordinary · unusual · outstanding · striking · exceptional · prodigious · abnormal · singular · remarkable · unique · anomalous · atypical ·
  2. As you can see, there are approximately 20 synonyms but how many of them did you hear on the nightly news??  Don't get me started on the vocabulary of today's news people!!

The word I tried to use in 2020 was FINISH.  I wanted to finish projects in a reasonable time.  I wanted to finish up my UFOs, I tried to be better at this, and I only really achieved anything like a reasonable finish rate in November.  Maybe the holidays were a good motivation.  Maybe I work better with a deadline.

Focus.  I like that word a lot.  2020 was a hard year for me with regard to personal focus.  I learned that if I don't make lists and set deadlines, I slide way down the focus meter.  I said to myself too many times, I can do that tomorrow.  Then I spent today doing not a lot of anything productive.  Hence the Covid 10 - that's pounds I gained from sitting on the couch eating M&Ms.  😒
  1. I hereby resolve to continue to reach out to my people in 2021 like I did in 2020.

  2. Well, I didn't do a great job at that, so maybe my resolution should be to do it better.  With being homebound for so much of the year, we learned, each in our own way, which of our relationships were most important to us.  Did we get closer to our significant other or wish to smother them with a pillow at night?  Just KIDDING! But you get my drift... who was it that we ached to see, and to whom did we send texts or make phone calls most often?  Those are our significant others.  May we cherish them in 2021 even better than we did in the past.

  3. And what didn't you miss?  I found that I can live without actually going into the grocery store.  I am perfectly happy to send my hubby with lists 95% of the time.  It's only when he spends $17 on an organic whole chicken that I regret not going myself.  Because he would NEVER think to comparison shop nor call me from the store.  And he'd rather buy an organic chicken than disappoint me by coming home without one.  I think I like that about him most of the time.

  4. And guess what, it was actually no better (or worse) tasting than the $6.60 non-organic one I bought this week!

  5. I don't miss shopping for other things, first because, well, Amazon.  And secondly because I don't need anything else.  Really.  I learned that this year.  The different between need and want was always an intellectual thing.  This year I learned what it really is.  I need nothing that I don't already have.  A nice home, warm clothes, food to eat, a great family, a church home, Jesus in my heart.  Everything else is, as they say, gravy.

  6. So here's to 2021.  May it be everything you want it to be, but be careful what you wish for:  you might just get it!

  7. Keep calm and carry on...

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