Thursday, August 13, 2020


Thursdays are such fun days.  On a scale of 1 to 7, I think Thursday is a total 10!


Why, you ask?

  • There are very few meetings in my life that happen on Thursdays.
  • Thanksgiving...   
  • Tomorrow is Friday!!
  • DH goes out to run errands and visit on Thursday so I have several hours of silence.
  • Laundry and cleaning happen on other days.
There's just so little pressure to DO on Thursdays.  It's a day to relax and plan and figure out what's happening the rest of the week.  And these days when my brain is so fuzzy most of the time, that is such a blessing.  A day to plan to do nothing!  Wow!


Within the next two weeks we have a major family event or two, so today is kind of the respite before the big storm.

Miss E leaves for college shortly.  Dang!  The whole summer went by without me even thinking about this, and now it's upon us.  I am praying that things go smoothly and she settles in and loves it.  She's always been kind of an anxious little person, carrying the worries of the world in her backpack.  I will send minute by minute instructions to the angels to walk with her.  Only one person is allowed to go with her (what with Covid and all) so the rest of us will do our worrying at home.  😧

Also next week is DH's birthday.  My daughter and granddaughters consider this a National Holiday, well maybe just a family holiday.  Considering how little DH enjoys fuss made over him, I think he would think something's missing if we didn't.  There is likely to be cake enjoyed, in any case.

Hopefully chocolate.

Progress continues on the Harry Styles sweater.  I swear the panels are getting more boring over time.  Probably because I do not know anything about Harry, nor do I care... too old I guess!

Yesterday I pulled DMC Floss for the cross stitch kits I recently received in the mail.  I have a whole collection of floss wound on cards in plastic boxes.  This was a gift from my daughter, who got them from a lady at work whose mother maybe??  decided to get rid of them or passed away and she had to got rid of them.  They turned out to be almost all of the colors from number 150 to number 930.  

The charts I have included many numbers that were higher than that because there are now numbers that are 4 digits, beginning with 3s.  For some reason DMC skipped the 1 and 2 thousands.  Anyway, I pulled a color chart with chips of color to see if I could find substitutes for the ones I don't have.

Turns out it's easier just to order new skeins.

I found a site, Lovecraft dot com, that has them for 60 cents right now.  Even with $5 shipping, that to me is more comfortable than running out to JoAnns.  Although when I think about it, I should have gone up to Ben Franklin, which is closing in October, and shopped there.  Oh well, next time.

Funny, I've been watching a LOT of YouTube, mostly because it's summer and there is so litte on TV that is new/good/worth the time.  

I sometimes watch stuff that is in my list of SUGGESTED videos, and I ran across Brenda and the Serial Starter (or Serial Stitcher on some of their stuff).  I blame them for the resurgence in interest I have in cross stitching.  

They do very nice presentations, they're knowledgeable and friendly and just humorous enough to be entertaining without being silly and boring.  I'm thoroughly enjoying their whole series.   They are both prodigious stitchers, as you can probably guess from seeing the wall behind them.

Anyway, time to get up and walk around... all this sitting at the computer means I should probably NOT eat the cake!

Stitch on...

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