Wednesday, July 22, 2020


What happens when you don't blog for a while is BOOM!  Changes!!  There's a new blogspot interface, and while it looks OK, I'm still getting used to it.  So pardon my temporary backslide please.

Another change I'm trying to handle is being effectively a one-vehicle couple.  DH has a car that is so old it's a member of AARP.  He can't exceed 55 mph or it shakes.  He's been resistant to getting a used vehicle, even a newer one than he has, and I'm not signing up to lease something when buying is more cost effective, so we're doing nothing at present.

Which means when he has to go somewhere that involves transporting grandkids, driving on the freeway, or going any great distance, he uses my car.  NOT that I need to go anywhere, but it was kid of irritating in the beginning.  Now I'm just kid of used to it, although it is a good alternative to a car payment.

I also have been trying to exercise a bit.  Walking is good for you, right?  Then why is just walking around the block so, so, I don't know, maybe purposeless is too strong a word.  I mean, if the purpose is to lose a few pounds, that's good, right?  Yeah, not so inspiring.  Besides it's so hot even in the morning, I guess I could find a million excuses not to do it.  I don't have nor do I want a dog, and the cat votes for staying in.

Rework is change too.  I made a quilt recently from blocks I made in a Quilt-Along I did a few years ago.  I decided to make it bigger, so I had the bright idea to use up all of the 2 inch blocks I had left over and make a checkerboard border.  It took hours.  

I got it all attached, hung it on the design wall and it looked great!  Of course it had to be folded to hang on the wall, so I didn't see both sides at once.

The blocks on one side don't line up right.  The corner looks messy and out of kilter.  You either have to have it ALL lined up or ALL askew.  Anything else looks like the error that it is.  You cannot even try to call this one asymmetrical.  <sigh>  I have already started removing the offending borders.


We'll get there, I hope.  

BTW please register to vote.  Some changes are completely necessary.

Sew on...

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