Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Social Distancing... or The New Normal

Today I had a short visit from my oldest granddaughter, Miss E.  She stayed about 12 1/2 minutes... just long enough to drop off a package of toilet paper.  My son-in-law was waiting in the truck, probably on his phone with work.  He's working from 'home' these days.

Isn't everyone?

No, not really!  My daughter is the facilities manager for a hospital chain.  She told me she's been deemed 'essential'.  Yes, you are!  In more ways than one...

Wherever she shops was better supplied than where we shop.  Either that or the people who shop where I shop are hoarding more than the people where she shops.  Who knew it would be TP that would be in such demand??!!  Or ground beef!  I could buy filet mignon or sirloin roast, but no hamburger at my local market.  Not to worry, we found it at our second favorite place, the gas station!!  Way to go, Kwik Trip!

It's been a whole week since I've been to work at the quilt shop.  We're still doing on-line sales, but the Governor has asked non-essential business to close for now.  Our customers kept coming in anyway, and I was concerned about contact with people who would NOT stay home regardless of the risk, especially since DH and I are in that 'age group'.  You know the one... over 65,  politely called the elderly.  Huh!  They said 'but you ARE essential - to us'!

Church services were also cancelled, although our staff has made it possible to keep in touch.  The Pastor is doing services from his home on YouTube.  It was kind of strange on Sunday, sitting with DH in the living room watching church on TV.  There were still hymns and music.  I sang, even though DH did not.  He told me later he was singing on the inside.  :-)

You'd think I'd be getting some sewing done.  Somehow I lack focus.  I start something and then I get distracted by the shiny stuff and poof!  All concentration is lost and I've suddenly gotten three more piles of potential things to do on my sewing table!

One thing I am doing is trying to develop some kind of morning ritual to keep me on track.  I have to get up at 6:30 with Miss Kitty.

If I don't, she sits outside the bedroom and whines, and at some point even rattles and scratches on the door to make her point.  Feed Me.  Now.

I also printed out Martin Luther's morning and evening prayers and taped them to the bathroom mirror, just to focus my brain a bit.  They're easily accessed while I'm brushing my teeth morning and night.  That puts me in a frame of mind to continue praying for my family, my friends, the world, and myself.

As a social butterfly, I'm not used to sitting at home this many days, with only DH for company.  In a phone conversation with a friend this week, when she asked how we were doing I said 'we're still married! And thank goodness you can go into the bathroom and close the door without being accused of being antisocial!'

DH actually practices social distancing as a regular thing.  We realize that he's not very talkative, and he's really not!  I can tell when he's 'socialed out' at gatherings or parties.  It's a private joke that at anybody's wedding reception, if he lasts until 8:30 p.m. that's about all we can expect.

I on the other hand, will probably be among the last to leave anywhere.  LOL!  Opposites attract for sure...

Time to go see what distractions await in the sewing room today.  Maybe I'll actually finish something.

Sew on...

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