Thursday, August 20, 2015

I've Been Busy...

I just realized it's Thursday and I haven't blogged for a few days!  It's not that things haven't been happening, they have, but they're not always fit for this blog.  I spent last Saturday with my church quilt group in the morning, and with my favorite aunt in the afternoon.  Sunday afternoon is kind of a blur... I know I did stuff, but I don't remember what!  Do you ever have days like that?

I've been busy. 

Yesterday the work day was so packed it was 12:45 p.m. before I realized it was lunchtime.  Then I grabbed my salad and chewed fast in order to make my 1 p.m. conference call, which I could not blow off because it's my job to open the call...  The afternoon flew by, and suddenly I realized I had worked 9 hours.  Again.

It's been that kind of a week.

Our fiscal year ends in September, so during the last Quarter (July/Aug/Sept) there are tons of extra reports to do, and tracking spending gets insane.    In the middle of the quarter is the last month of summer in Wisconsin, and the kids have to do a lot of back to school stuff, like getting supplies and setting up lockers, finding out what bus route you take, etc. 

This fall my daughter also goes back to school, so we've been trying to help out with the errands.  Last night I was supposed to pick up a yellow notebook and a purple notebook for Miss A.  I walked around Walgreens thinking "I have to get something, what was it???"

Lucky for me DH is going to Target today.  I wrote a list for him. 

I should have written one for myself...

I haven't been in the sewing room at all since Sunday, so no progress on finding my pants pattern yet.  I did cut and organize some quilt kits for church, though, and I have been carrying those around in my car trying to remember to drop them off.  If I don't get there, they'll get delivered on Sunday.

I have some vacation scheduled around the Labor Day weekend. 

I thought this busy quote was very appropriate...

Keep calm and carry on...

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